Touch Kitchen ( inc 22” Display+ Micro PC )
TouchKitchen transforms the way food orders are processed. From starters through to dessert, customer orders are organised on a kitchen screen for easy ticket management.
• It is easy to use & install
• Timed visual alerts for outsanding orders
• Orders can be pegged for future recall
• Docking toolbar with con gurable size
TouchKitchen transforms the way food orders are processed. From starters through to dessert, customer orders are organised on a kitchen screen for easy ticket management.
No Lost Tickets
Digital tickets go straight through to the kitchen. No tickets get dropped and no information gets lost or misinterpreted.
Cook timers let the chef know what is next. Utilise one-shot timers or reset timers on individual tickets.
Cook Summary
TouchKitchen not only provides information ticket by ticket, but it can also show the chef a summary of everything that is on the list to cook.
No Missed Orders
With TouchKitchen orders can’t be misplaced and they can be recalled even after they’ve been cleared.
Link To Digital Displays
Linking with digital signage alerts customers that an order is ready to be collected, or a ticket can be printed at the counter to signal waiting staff for service.
Organise Courses
Orders can be shelved between courses and cleared when the entire meal is completed.